Not Another Teen Movie is a 2001 American comedy film directed by Joel Gallen, released on December 14, 2001 by Columbia Pictures. It is a parody of teen movies which have accumulated in Hollywood over the last few decades. While the general plot is based on Pretty in Pink, She's All That, and 10 Things I Hate About You, the film is also filled with allusions to numerous other films including Bring It On, American Pie, Cruel Intentions, American Beauty, and The Breakfast Club. A single was released alongside the movie titled "Prom Tonight" and reached #86 on the Billboard Hot 100.
Also, the makers of this movie have had the courage to dive into the Absurd, which is one of the most productive, though harder to understand(for some people) types of humor. This is why there are folks who didn't like it; and it's also why the title is wholly appropriate, because it has taken all the Absurd it could find in teen movies, and put it into one great work, that laughs at traditional teen